My first oil painting experience for figurative painting class. It's fun and challenge. For this piece what I really want to express was light and shadow.
I got a table in APE2011. It's going to be start at October 1st to 2nd. I'll have booklets of tree project(my personal drawing project) and some small drawing pieces. If you visit me(I'll be with Juny Chen and Ryan Connolly)and say hello to me I will be very happy!
Layout design for animation class was really tough class. This is the only one I finished with value study. I draw normal downshot perspective first and then make it warped perspective. This is the result. I did lots of research regarding japanese noodle, ramen, and ramen cart. It was the most familiar subject among others. From this, I learned how to use graphie(?!) pencil as a tool for value and also how to create believable light and shadow.